Saturday, May 26, 2012

Finally an update!!

Hello my readers, It has been way too long since I did a post. My computers hardrive died on  me and I finally got it back from Toshiba. Over this past month i have been having such issues with the scd diet. I was back to feeling the way I was before I started the diet, so I gave in and for the last week I have been having white rice daily, and I am feeling better. So as it stand right now, I am scd with the exception of rice. And you know what, it works for me. My diet is now gluten, dairy, soy, egg, corn, potato, grape, citrus, tomatoes, spicy, preservative, sugar, high fat and chocolate free. It should just be called the Janna Diet!!  Tell me about your diet and how you have customized the scd to meet your needs. I will be working on more recipes, some will be posted, some are just going to tease you with pictures, but be patient I am starting school on Monday, so my free time is now down to a minimum.